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Adult Programs

Sudbury Indoor Tennis Centre

Adult Programs & Clinics

We're hosting a variety of programming and clinics throughout the Winter season!


The best place to start for new tennis players is our Adult 101 Program, if you're a more experienced player looking for some tune-ups, tips, or fun then checkout our tennis clinics.



The Adult 100 Series Program

Registrations Now Open!

Our popular Adult 100 Series is hands-down the best way to get started in the tennis world for anyone 16 and up. Designed to be fast paced, and with the goal to get you on the courts able to enjoy the game as quickly as possible, if you're looking to try something new, and don't want to invest hour after hour trying to get it right, the 100 Series is the best way to go!


If you're a more experienced player looking for people to play with, we host a large array of leagues. Ranging from beginner to advanced, we have the league for you!

All programs have a different rate for no members

Adult Clinics

Throughout the season our Coach Richard, will be running Advanced clinics to get tips and tricks to improve your tennis play!



All programs have a different rate for no members

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